Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wallowing Bears

Wallowing is a behavior most notably seen in pigs, however, California black bears, Ursus americanus, regularly use wallows during the summer and early fall.  At a prime wallow, upwards of five bears could visit on a warm day.  A bear wallow is generally about the size of a large bathtub and is usually located in a wet meadow with a high water table.  It is unknown if bears actually engineer the wallows from scratch.

Wallowing is traditionally believed to serve temperature regulation and insect/pest mitigation purposes.  Additionally, due to the high bear traffic at these wallows, the wallows may serve a role in reproduction and social encounters.  Bears will rub themselves on the sides of the wallow and nearby trees, leaving behind scent that is detectable to other bears and can increase the chance of finding a mate.

This bear above is just coming up from a refreshing dunk on a warm day. Please disregard the date stamp on the photos above and below as these were taken in late August of 2011.  The date was incorrect, but the time stamp shows that the second bear came by only 40 minutes after the first.

A lesser known function of the wallow is that under certain circumstances bears come for leisure time. In this video, a mother bear and one of her two cubs become quite playful in a small wallow. The bear cub in this video is rambunctious and wants to play with its fairly aloof mother. The human-like quality from mom is subtle, but if you watch closely at 24 seconds into this video, the mother instigates a mock fight with a simple poke to the soft side of the cub.

In this video, the two cubs play fight and practice skills that will be necessary to survival when they are out on their own as young adults.  To the victor go the spoils and a comfortable wallow all to one's self.

The cubs can occasionally play nice and enjoy the wallow together.

But the truce is not long lived between siblings and the battle picks up where it was left off.

The mother doesn't seem to mind too much and continues with her wallowing.

The mother and her two cubs were the only bears seen at this particular wallow during the week while the camera was here.  The absence of other bears may have been why they were acting so nonchalant and relaxed in the wallow.

Other critters stopped in to the wallow, to drink or cool off.  The black tailed deer, coopers hawk, black tailed jackrabbit, and western grey squirrel all made appearances.

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